Born : November 10, 2009 - August 31, 2021
AKC WS32330707 Sir : CH Midnight Solo Summer Star Moses , TT, CGN, CD, RN Dam : CH CKC, FCC, IABCA Malahovskaja Janetta #1 CKC show BRT female many years Owner : Doug and Tatiana Adams
Another super show star. Took her beauty from mom Janetta. Bella is stunning, elegant and very feminine girl with a loving and gentle temperament. Such a friendly and outgoing girl who is ready to travel with us as soon as we open the front door.
She loves to meet people and give a paw to say “Hello”. Loves to be the center of attention and noticed.
Bella is very energetic and playful, loves to carry her favorite ball wherever she goes.
Her mother, Janetta Malahovskaja, passed to Bella all of her show beauty and the Top Dog baton after she was retired from showing.
Bella finished 2011 and 2012 as Canada's top female Black Russian Terrier as judged by the Canadian Kennel Club.
Bella has a thick rich black coat, excellent scissor bite, black pigment, clear dark eyes and strong proportional body.
Her height 72cm, Weight 125 lb
We are proud of her puppies: - CH CKC BarentsNight Garbo's Ninotchka
- CH AKC BarentsNight Gypsy King Serge, CGC, RN, TT - BarentsNight Guardian Angel (Theodore),
NO, AO, CD - BarentsNight Gold Strike Koba, CGN
HU; N/HU: JLPP: Clear Click here
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Bella finish this year became #1 Conformation BRT in Canada. See here
- Belleville & District kennel Club, October 21/2016. Bella won: Show #1 - BOB
Show #2 - BOB, Group 4th (judge Ann Felske-Jackman)
- Pine Ridge Kennel Club, CKC show, Port Hope. October 1 & 2nd, 2016 GCH CKC, CH IABCA BarentsNight Bella Donna, CGN won:
Show #1 : BOB; Show #2 - Group 2nd with judge Grant Townsend; Show #3 - Group 4th with judge Ray Smith
- Cornwall, September 3d/2018. Bella won: BOB
- TIKO Brockville, ON. August 19-20/2016. Bella won : Show #1 - BOB; Show #2 - BOB
- Muskoka Kennel Club, July 27-29m 2016. Five shows CKC. Bella won : Show #1 - Group 2 judge John M Hodgkinson
Show #2 - Group 2 judge Rita S Walker Show #3 - Group 1 judge Richard Lake Show #4 - Group 2 judge Larry Kereluke
Show #5 - Group 2 judge Mike Macbeth
- Valley Kennel Club, July 19th, 2016. Bella, CGN won :
Show #2 BOB, Group #3 (Judge Guillermo Carrillo) Show #3 BOS
- July 15, 2016. Kars Dog Club, ON. Bella won : BOB, Group 3d (judge Joe Lobb)
- June 30, July 1. Bobcaygeon Kennel Club. Bella won :4 x BOB
*** July 2nd. Kawartha Kennel Club. Bella won : 1 x BOB
- June 11-12, 2016. Orono. Ontario County Kennel Club. Bella won: June 11 - BOB; June 12 - BOB
- June 11-12, 2016. Orono. Ontario County Kennel Club. Bella Donna, CGN won: June 11 - BOB; June 12 - BOB
- SDNG, Long Sault, August 26-29/2016. Bella won : 4 shows : BOB
- Norwood ON, July 2. Show #1 : BOB; Show #2 : BOB; July 3. Show #3 : BOB; Show #4 : BOB
- Richmond, Ottawa Kennel Club May 22, 2015. Bella won : Select and BOH
- Arnprior Canine As. May 9 - 10, 2015. Bella won: Show #3 & 4 : BOB x 2
Bella finish this year became #2 Conformation BRT in Canada. See here
- Pine Ridge KC, October 3 & 4, 2014. Two shows. Bella won : BOB & Select
- Muskoka District Kennel Club. Bella finished her 3 shows with good result :
- July 30.2014 show # 1 Bella took Group 4th. Judge Mr. T. Alexander
- July 31.2014 show # 3 Bella got Group 2nd. Judge Mr. C. Cyopik
- July 31 2014 show # 4 Bella won Group 3d. Judge Mr. I.Hurfield. Thanks to all judges!
- Limestone City Obedience & Kennel Club. July 25-27/2014. Bella won: BOB x 2, BOS x 1
- July 22 & 23/2014 Valley Kennel Club. Bella won : BOB x 2
- Kars Dog Club, July 19, 2014. Bella Donna won BOB
- Ottawa kennel Club, Richmond, May 23-25, 2014. Bella won : BOB x 3
- Petewawa Civic Center, April 11-13. 2014. Bella Donna CKC, IABCA, CGN won : BOB x 4
- Nickel District Kennel Club, March 28-30, 2014. Six shows. Bella won : BOB x 6,
and Group 4th !!!!!
Bella finish this year became #2 Conformation BRT in Canada See here
- Ottawa kennel club. November 17th.2013.Bella won : BOB
and was selected in the judges final cut in a group competition. Also her picture was taken for Ottawa Citizen magazine Click Here
- Belleville and District kennel club, October 25/2013-27/2013.Bella Donna won : BOB x 3
- Pine Ridge kennel Club, Port Hope.October 5/2013. Bella won : BOS
- Cornwall District Kennel Club, Augusr 29-31, September 1st. Bella won : BOB x 4 and Group 4 th in August 30th.!!!!!
- Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry Dog Association.Long Sault. Bella won:
August 23/13 : BOB, Group 3-rd !!!!! August 26/2013 : BOB
- Brockville Kennel Club, August 18/2013. Bella won : Select
- Temiskaning Kennel Club, August 14-16, 2013. Bella won : BOB x 4, Group 2nd x 2 and Group 3d x 2 !!!!!!!!!!
- Milton 10th 2013. Bella won : BRT National Bella won : Select and Show # 2 she won : BOS
Bella finish this year became #3 Conformation BRT in Canada See here
- Trilium Kennel Club, Lindsay October 26 , 2012.Bella won : BOB
- Cornwall District Kennel Club, , August 31st - September3d, 2012. Bella won : BOB x 4
- SD&G, Long Sault, August 24-27, 2012. Bella won : BOB x 4
- Thousand Islands Kennel & Obedience Club, August 19, 2012. Bella won : BOB
- Temiskaming Kennel Club, August 14-16, 2012. Bella took : Show #1 - 4th Place in Group !!!!!
Show #2 - 2d Place in Group judge Mr.Morley Thornton !!!!! Show #3 - 4th Place in Group !!!!! Show #4 - 4th Place in Group !!!!!
Show #5 - BOB Show #6 - 1st Place in Group judge Mr.Ron Mahon !!!!!
- Barrie Kennel & Obedience Club Inc., August 5 & 6, 2012.Bella took : BOB X 2
- Muskoka District Kennel Club, August 1-3, 2012. Bella Donna won: BOB x 5
- Limestone City Obedience & Kennel Club, Kingston July 27-28, 2012. Bella Donna,took : BOS x 1 and BOB x 1
- Valley Kennel Club, Lombardy July 23, 2012. Bella took : BOB x 1 and Third Place in Group under Ms.R.Kemp (Australia) !!!!!
July 24th : BOS under Mr.E.Phoa (Toronto) july 25th : BOB judge Ms.S.Lex
- Kars Community Recreation Association, July 20, 2012. Bella took BOB x 1
- Kawartha KC – Peterborough, June 29, 2012. Bella Donna took BOB x 2
- Bobcaygeon KC – Lindsay, June 28, 2012. Bella took BOB x 1
- Kingston & District Kennel Club, June 16-17, 2012 Bella took BOB x 2 and made in the group cut under judge Mr.David Paterson
- Ontario County Kennel Club, Orono, June 10, 2012. Bella won : BOS
- The Ottawa Kennel Club, May 25 and 27, Richmond, 2012. Bella won : BOB x 2, Best Bred by Exhibitor !!!!!
- The Purina National, March 9, 2012 Bella won: BOS x 1
- Ontario Breeders Association, Feb.18-19, 2012. Bella won : BOS x 4
Bella finish this year became #3 Conformation BRT in Canada See here
- Ottawa Kennel Club, Kemptville, November 18-20, 2011. Bella won : BOB x 3
- Trillium Dog Fanciers, October 28-29, 2011. Bella won : BOB x 2
- Belleville & District Kennel Club four shows, October 21-23, 2011. Bella Donna won: BOB x 4 and 4th place in Group !!!!!
- Pine Ridge kennel Club, Sept. 30, Oct. 1 & 2, 2011. Bella won : BOB x 6
- Cornwall District Kennel Club, September 2-5, 2011. Bella Donna won : BOB x 4
- Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry Dog Association, August 26-29, 2011. Bella Donna won : BOB x 4
- Thousand Islands Kennel, August 19-21, 2011. Bella won : BOS x 4
- Barrie Kennel and Obedience Club, July 30th, 2011 Bella won : Best Bred by Exhibitor !!!!! July 30 & 31 : BOB x 2, August 1st : BOB
- Muskoka District Kennel Club, July 27-29, 2011. Bella Donna won: Show 1 - BOB, Show 2 - BOB, July 28, show 3 - BOB, Show 4 - BOB, Show 5 - BOB
- Limestone City Obedience and Kennel Club, July 22-24, 2011. Bella Donna won: BOB x 1 and BOS x 2
- Valley Kennel Club, Lombardy, July 18-20, 2011. Bella Donna won: BOS x 2 and BOB x 1
- Kars Community Recreation Association, July 15-16, 2011. Bella won: BOB x 2 - July 16, 2011. Bella passed CGN Test
- Rare Breed Club, July 9-10, 2011. Bella won: 4 x 1st, 1 x BOW, 1 x BOB, 1 x W and - 2nd Place in Group !!!!!
- Chateauguay Kennel Club, July 2-3, 2011 Bella won : - BOB x 4 - Bobcaygeon Kennel Club, June 28-29, 2011 Bella won : - BOB x 5
- Kingston & District Kennel Club, June 17-19, 2011 . Bella won : BOS x 3
- The Ottawa Kennel Club, All Breed Championship Dog Show, May 28-29, 2011. Bella won : BOB x 2
- Arnprior Canine All Breed Championship Dog Show, May 6-8, 2011 Bella won : BOB x 4
- Victoria County Kennel Club, April 29-30, 2011. Bella Donna won : BOB x 4 - Champlain Dog Club, Petawawa, April 8-9, 2011 Bella won : BOB x 3 - The Purina National March 11-12, 2011. Bella won: Winners Bitch x 2 - Ontario Breeders Association, February 18-21, 2011. Bella won : 1st, Winners, Reserve Winners BOW and finished her CKC CH title

 | Thousand Islands Kennel & Obedience Club, Sanction Match January 30th, 2011 Bella Donna opened her 2011 show season. She won Best of Breed and Group 1st in the Working Group |
 | Barrie Kennel and Obedience Club, July 30th, 2011. Bella Donna won : - Best Bred by Exhibitor July 30 & 31 : - BOB x 2, - August 1st : BOB
|  | Ontario Breeders Association February 18-21, 2011
Bella Donna won : - BOW, - 1st, - Winners - Reserv Winners |
 | The Georgina Kennel & Obedience Club Nov. 13, 14, 2010
Bella Donna won: BOB x 2, WB x 2 |
 | The Ottawa Kennel Club Nov. 19-21, 2010
Bella Donna won: BOB x 3, WB x 3 |
 | Belleville & District Kennel Club Inc. Oct.22 and 23, 2010. Bella Donna won: - 1st x2; WB x 2; BW ; BPIB x 2; BOB; BOS She received 4 championship points |
Nipissing Kennel Club Inc. October 9, 10, 11th, 2010 Bella Donna won : - BOB X 4 - BPB x 4 |
 | Pine Ridge Kennel club, October 1,2,3, 2010 BarentsNight Bella Donna won : - BOB X 3 - BPB x 3 |
International All Breed Canine Association, Gananoque ON, September 11 & 12, 2010
Bella earned her IABCA National and International championships with four judges reports - see below :
She won "Best of Breed - Puppy" three times. |
 | Cornwall District Kennel Club Sept.6, 2010
BarentsNight Bella Donna won: BOB |
 | Limestone City Obedience and Kennel ClubKingston July 24 Bella Donna, went to Sanction Match and won Best Puppy in Breed |
 | BOBCAYGEON Kennel Club, Lindsay, June 29,30 and July 1st
Bella Donna received: Sanction Match, June 29 - BOB and BPB, Group 2nd
June 29 Second in her class (6-9 months old) July 1st : BOS and BPB |
 | Kingston & District Kennel Club, June 19th Bella Donna won: 1ST place in 6 to 9 month in a puppy Sweepstakes |
 | The Ottawa Kennel Club
Bella Donna won: Sanction Match, May 28, 2010 - 3rd Place in group May 29,30 2010
- Best puppy in breed x 2 - Best of Opposite sex x 2 |
 | Victoria County Kennel Club, Sanction Match, April 31, 2010 Bella Donna won: 4-th In Group |  | Ottawa Kennel Club Sanction Match March 6, 2010
Bella Donna opened her new show season. She did very well in her first show with a lot of people and dogs around. She won : - BOB and BPIB | |