GCH CKC, CH CKC, CH UKC BarentsNight Object Of Art "Zorro", CGN, RN, RI, RA, CGC, CGCA, CGCU
Born: May 15th, 2017 WS57140102; MSC000008578, new CKC # EJ0008578 AKC DNA #V939614
Sire : CH CKC, CH UKC, CH FCC Hermes De Gaule "Travis" HU: N/HU; JLPP: Clear
Dam : CH CKC BarentsNight Garbo's Ninotchka HU: N/N; JLPP: Clear
Zorro is sweet, friendly, smart happy male. Loves to play with other dogs. Polite with people and so cuddly.
He has beautiful black eyes, wide perfect bite, great head, black coat, nice pigment. Nice body and movement.
Came first time in a show ring and feels like he always was there. Prefer to seat on his big chear before rings. Very easy going boy, never care who is around on show or dog classes. Very friendly. Happy and energetic with a lot of working and show potentials. |
 JLPP: Clear and HU: N/N by parents Zorro Health Page Go to page Zorro BRTINFO page See here |
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- Zorro outside with friends (short video) Watch - Zorro and Frieda after ring video Click to watch - Zorro outside with friends Watch Video
- Zorro running after Sophie To watch Video
News 2019 |
 UKC show. St. Lazar Quebec November 8 & 10/2019 Zorro won two shows BOB.
 Mississauga ON, Aurora show. November 23/2019 Zorro won Reserve on limited show
 Cornwall. August 30 and September 1st 2019. Two Rally trials. Zorro received 2 legs RA and new title. Conformation 2 shows. Zorro won Best Of Breed and Select |  North Bay, Oct. 11-13/2019. Nipissing Kennel Club Zorro won: October 14: Two shows - Best Of Breed |
 Carp, Ottawa Kennel Club. July 21-22/2019 Zorro won: Two shows Best Of Breed
  TIKO. Brockville, August 16-18/2019 Four shows Zorro won: From four shows 3 Best Of Breed and 1 show Select |
 NGDC, June 15/2019 We are proud of our boy finishing Rally Intermediate title and received Rally Advance 1st leg with score 98 from 100 |  Kingston Kennel Club, Odessa ON, June 21-23
Five shows. Proud of my boy Zorro with winnings: Show # 1, 2, 3, 5 he took Best Of Breed and Group 4, judge A.Brown; Show # 4 Best Of Opposite Sex |
 - Ottawa Kennel Club. Richmond, May 24-26/2019 Zorro won: - Show #1, 2, 3 Best Of Breed, Show #4 - Select (2 gch points)
Also he did three tests and received three more titles CGC, CGCA, CGCU
- Long Sault ON, CKC Sanction Match, August 23-26/2019. Zorro won: Best Of Breed 5 shows
- Kingston Kennel Club, July 27/2019. Zorro won: Best Of Breed.
- Norwood July 4-7/2019, 8 shows CKC. Zorro won 6 Best Of Breed and 2 Select dog. Also received Grand Champion CKC title.
- Carp show, ON. July 21-22/2019 Zorro won: Best Of Breed 2 shows July 21 and July 22
- Arnprior Canine Association. May 10-12/2019. Zorro won: Best Of Breed 5 shows
- Our news was open by Zorro, February 15, 2019. Ottawa Valley Golden Retriver Club Zorro got second leg
on Rally Trial. Finish trial with 4th place in his group.
News 2018 |
- St.Lazare UKC show Navember 2 and 3/2018. Zorro won: November 2: Best Of Breed; November 3: Best Of Breed over number of BRT's.
Both shows made in cut
- Belleville Kennel Club, October 19-20/2018. Zorro won:
Oct. 19th. Show #1 : Best Of Breed; Show #2 : Best Of Opposite Sex
Dog Ranch, December 16/2018. Rally Obedience. Intermediate
Zorro was great. Finished trial with Score "96", 3d place. 1 leg RI

UKC show. October 7/ 2018, Napanee ON. Zorro did great. He won:
- Best Of Breed two shows and Group 1st both shows, - Best In Show (Show 1) and - Reserve Best In Show (Show 2)
Also Zorro and his sister Livi won in second show Best Brace In Show
- Long Sault, August 14-27/2018. Five shows Zorro won : Best Of Breed. Two times was in cut but no group placement Between shows pass CGN test
 Muskoka Kennel Club. August 1-3/2018.
5 shows Zorro wo: Best Of Breed all 5 shows
 Kars show. July 19-22/2018 Zorro won: Show #1; BOS Show #2: BOS (1p); Show #3: BOB (2p) Show #4: BOB (1p)
Working group special: BOB | 
Norwood, July 7-8/2018. Kawartha KC Show 2: Best Of Breed (2 points)
 Maple Leaf Kennel Club. UKC. July 14/2018. Zorro won on shows: Show #1 : Group 1st Judge: David Kittredge, Show #2 : Group 3d Judge: Kevin Izard-Carroll |
 Kingston & District Kennel Club June 15/2018. Two CKC shows
Both shows Zorro won: Best Of Breed (2 points)
Norwood, July 7-8/2018. Kawartha KC Show 1: BOB, Group 4th Judge : Richard Lopaschuk (3 points)

Ottawa Kennel Club. May 26 and May 27. 2018. Four Rally trials Zorro did very nice with score: 89, 96, 95, 98. Three times High in Class and last trial Second in class.
New title - RN
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UKC show, May 13 th, 2018. Napanee Zorro won:
- Show #1 - Best Of Breed and Group 3 - Show #2 - Best Of Breed
So happy for our boy Well done Zorro! |

Sanction Match. Brockville, TIKO. March 11/2018. Zorro's 1st show. Zorro won BOB and Group 2nd
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