 #2 Agility BRT in Canada 2013
Born : November 10/2009 AKC WS32330703
Sire : CH Midnight Solo Summer Star Moses , TT, CGN, CD, RN Dam : Multi Ch Malahovskaja Janetta
Owner : Doug and Tatiana Adams "Lily is an absolutely stunning female with a sensitive loving temperament.
She is a sweetheart and we are pleased to have her in our family. She has a great nature, a caring and charming dog. Lily showed great potential as a working dog. We started
tracking classes with her. She is a great agility dog also. She has so much drive and loves to work. Perfect body structure. Rich, curly and black coat. Her weight is 115 Lb, 72 cm at her shoulder, black pigment. Dark brown eyes."

- Lily received 2 new agility titles: AG.N and AG.N.J in Long Sault, August 25/2013. Great agility day for Lily.
- The Bobcaygeon Kennel Club, Lindsay, July 2nd, 2013. Lily won : BOS, BOW
- Kingston & District Kennel Club, June 21-22. 2013.Belgian Shepherd Dog Club of Canada. Agility Trial. Lily got : 1 legs - JWW, 2 legs - Standard June 23d. Lily did great in the ring and won BOS and also got her CH CKC title. Happy for our girl
- Ontario County Kennel Club. June 14-16, 2013. Lily won : BOB, Reserve, BOS, BOW
 - Valley Kennel Club, Lombardy July 23, 2012 Lily took : BOW and received 2 more CKC points
 Limestone City Obedience & Kennel Club, Kingston July 29, 2012. Lily took : BOS x 1 Best Bred by Exhibitor in Breed Best Bred by Exhibitor in Group
 - Richmond, Ottawa kennel Club, May 26.2013 Lily pass CGN test and did agility demo
 - Kingston & District Kennel Club, June 15, 2012 (2 shows)
Lily took : BOB, BOW and BOS
 - Kingston June 15,2012
 - Kars Community Recreation Association, July 21 & 22, 2012. Lily took BOB x 2
 - Arnprior Canine Association, May 12-13, 2012 Lily won: BOB x 2
 - North Gower, June 4, 2012
 - Ontario County Kennel Club, Orono, June 8-10, 2012
Lily has her ring experience and won : BOS, BOW
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