#1 Conformation BRT in Canada 2014 - Click Here
#5 Conformation BRT in Canada 2015 Clcik Here
#6 Conformation BRT in Canada 2016 Clcik Here
- Best in Show winner 2016
- Best in Match winner 2013
BOB: 66 times; BOS- 4; Select- 6
Group winnings:
Group 1: 3 times; Group 2: 7 times
Group 3: 1 times; Group 4: 8 times
Daizy Born : September 7th, 2012 MSC000005533 Sire : CH AKC Innokentiy Iz Chigasovo HU: N/N; JLPP: Clear
Dam : CH CKC BarentsNight Black Velvet (Lily). CGN. AG.N, AG.N.J # 2 Agility BRT in Canada 2013 HU: N/N, JLPP: Clear Owner : Tatiana & Doug Adams, Canada
Daizy is very fine, loving, caring, warm, playful girl with so friendly temperament. Loves dogs, people and kids.
Loves to play and be noticed. If some of our dogs upset with her, she will do her best to make a peace.
Daizy has very proportional body, nice and rich coat, black eyes, perfect bite, nice pigment,
great disposition, nice movement and wide chest and big head. Very showing girl. Her weight 135 Lb, height 72 cm in shoulder
HU : N/N JLPP: Clear
Daizy health page - Click here
We are very proud of Daizy's and Travis puppies:
- CH CKC, CH UKC, CH FCC BarentsNight Light My Fire "Gaby", CGN, TT
- BarentsNight La Dolce Vita "Marpe", CGN RN, RI, RA
- CH UKC, CH CKC BarentsNight Lord Of The Ring "Toofan". CGN - CH UKC BarentsNight Like It Or Not "Skyler", CGN |

Card #4 - Judge: M.J.Muldoon;
Card #3 - Judge: Ms.M-T. Mondo

Card #1 - Judge: M.F.Arnella;
Card #2 - Judge: M.Blaha

2016- UKC Inc. CKC show in Montreal, November 4-6, 2016. Daizy won: BOB x 4
- New Liskeard Kennel Club. August 9-11, 2016. Six shows. Daizy won:
Show #1 Group 4th judge Ms. P.Pancel Show #2 - BOB Show #3 - Group 4th judge Mr.R.Paquette
Show #4 - BOS Show #5 - BOB Show #6 - Group 2nd judge Mr. R.Smith
- Pine Ridge KC, Port Hope, October 2-3/2015. Daizy won : BOB; Select x 2 
- St.Louis Quebec, FCC show September 12-12/2015. Diazy make us so proud. She won:
Show #1 : BOB; Gr.1st and Best in Show- Judge: M.F.Arnella Show# 2: BOB; Gr3d - Judge: M.Blaha Show #3 : BOB; Gr.2nd - Judge: Ms.M-T. Mondo
Show #4: BOB; Gr.2nd - Judge: M.J.Muldoon
- SD&G. Long Sault, August 30, 31.2015. Daizy won: BOB x 2
- T.I.K.O. August 21-23.2015.Daziy won : BOB x 3
- Temiskaming Kennel Club, August 11-13, New Liskard. Six shows Daizy won : Show #1: BOB; Show #2: BOB, Group 4; Show #3: BOB;
Show #4: BOB, Group 4; Show #5: BOB, Group 4; Show #6: BOB, Group 4
- Bracebridge. Muskoka KC, July 29-31/2015. Daizy won : Five shows x 5 BOB and Group 4th under judge Mr. M. Jackman!
- Limestone KC. Kingston July 24-26/2015. Daizy won : July 24: - BOB, July 25: - BOB, July 26: - BOS
- Valley kennel Club. July 20-22/2015. Daizy won: two shows: BOS; two shows : BOB
- Norwood ON. July 4. Show #5 : BOB; Show #6 : BOB; July 5. Show #7 : BOB
- Kingston Kennel Club, June 19, 2015. Daizy won : Show #1 : Select and Show #2 : Select
- St.Francis Kennel Club, Brome June 11-13, 2015. Show #1: BOB; Show #2: BOB; Show #4: Select; BRT Specialty : Select
- Richmond. Ottawa Kennel Club, may 22-24, 2015. Daizy won : BOB x 3
- Victoria County Kennel Club, April 24-26. Lindsay. Daizy won : Best of breed, Selected x 2
- Syracuse NY show. Daizy won: Central New York Kennel Club. March 26/2015 : BOB;
Onondaga Kennel Assosiation March 27/2015 : BOB - Finger Lakes Kennel Club Inc. March 28/2015 : BOB; North Country Kennel Club.
March 29/2015 : BOB

Daizy #1 Conformation BRT in Canada by Top Breed Points See here
- BRTCA NATIONALS, Salisbury, Maryland 7 & 8, 2014. Daizy won : November 7/2014 - WB, BOW (5 points) & November 8/2014 - BBE
- Belleville & District Kennel Club, October 24/2014 2 shows. Daizy won : Show #1 - BOB, Show #2 - BOB
- Purina show, October 17/14 Daizy took - GCH Select, October 19/14 Daizy won BOS
- Pine Ridge KC, October 3-5, 2014. Four shows. Daizy won : BOB x 3 & Select
- Canine Federation of Canada. St.Louis, Qc. September 6-7/2014. Daizy finished 4 shows
.. Show # 1 and 2 Daizy took BOB x 2,
.. Show # 3 Daizy took BOB and Group 1-st: judge Ms. C.Muldoon
.. Show # 4 Daizy took BOB and Group 2-nd : judge Ms. J.Lea-Harison
- Cornwall District Kennel Club, Augusr 28-31, 2014.Daizy Won : BOB x 4
- Long Sault, ON show August 24 & 25.2014. Stormont, Dundas, & Glengarry Dog Association. Daizy took : BOB x 2 and Group 4th
- Temiskaming Kennel Club in New Liskeard. August 12, 13 and 14. 2014. Daizy with show result :
.. show #1 - Group 4th Judge : Ms. S. Bell and earned her CH CKC title
.. show # 2 - BOB
.. show # 3 - Group 3d Judge : Mr. M. Lanctot
- Kilbride & District Kennel Club August 8, 9 2014. It was nice 2 days show for our Daizy .. Aug.8 show 1 won : BOB and Group 4th : Judge : Ms.S.Desserne .. Aug 9 show 2 won : RW, BBE .. Aug 9 BRTClub of Canada CKC National Specialty Show Daizy won : BBE, Best of Winners. Judge : Mr.L.Pinto Teixeira
- Muskoka District Kennel Club. Daizy won :
- July 30.2014 show #2 - BOB - August 1st show #5 - BOB

Norwood July 19. 2014. American Reare Breed Assosiation
and KC USA Kennel Club USA. Jn CH FCC Daizy was working hard and when on 12 shows in one day and got her several CH titles :
ARBA Jr, KC USA Jr, KC USA, CASIB and Int. Ch. Also Group 3d x 5 and Group 1st

July 21.2014. Valley Kennel Club, 2 shows. Daizy won : Show # 1 : Reserve Winner Show # 2 : BOB and (2 points)

Chinese Shar-Pei Club of Canada, Sanction Match, October 25/2013.
Daizy won : Best in Match.
 Belleville and District kennel club, October 26-27/2013.
Daizy won : 1 st x 2

Feb. 26, 2014. Thousand Islands Kennel & Obedience Club (TIKO)
Daizy won : Judge Judith p.Ryan : 1st in group and Judge Jim Bricknell : Best in Match

New Liskard, Temiskaning Kennel Club, August 13, 2013 Daizy won: BP, 1st
 Association of Parson Russell Terrier Fanciers. Long Sault, August 23/13. Sanction Match. Daizy won : BP in Group and Group 3-d !
 FCC show, September 7 & 8, 2013 (4 shows), St.Louis Qc. Daizy (12 m.o.) won :
BJ x 4; BOB x 1 - judge Ms.C.Lafay and received her JR CH FCC title!!!!
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